Questions You Need to Ask before Purchasing a Home

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Purchasing a home can be an extremely daunting task. Fortunately, knowing what questions to ask can make deciding on a house both easier and rewarding.  Furthermore, the answers to these questions empower buyers to effectively assess their needs, maximizing the potential to buy smarter. How Much Can You Really Afford to Spend? The key information a buyer needs to determine how much money they can afford to spend on a home requires a buyer to have a clear idea of what their income-to-debt ratio is.…

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2 Things You May Not Know About Renting A Pet Friendly Apartment

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If you have a dog and are looking for an apartment to rent, you might become discouraged rather quickly as you look, because many landlords do not allow pets. There are some that do, though, and you can find one if you look hard. You should be aware that the landlord may have extra requirements for tenants that have pets, including paying an extra deposit. Here are two other important things you should know as you rent a pet friendly apartment.…

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Two Reasons To Re-Key Or Redo The Locks At Your New Office Space

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If you’ve just rented office space in a building, you might have already evaluated the exterior security, such as guards, lighting, controlled access to the parking lot, and the like. But you should also take a very good look at the locks you have on your office doors. Even if you’re renting a simple room, there are two good reasons not to use the locks and keys that were already installed on the door.…

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