A tall, skinny town home may be the only option in your price range as a first-time home buyer, but fear not. The townhouse is a venerable and coveted architectural style on the east coast, nowhere more so than on Beacon Hill, the cobblestoned, brick-front enclave in Boston, Massachusetts. Here are six tips to help make your condo look more like a real Beacon Hill townhouse.
Create A Fireplace Sitting Area…
Designing a home together can be a wonderful experience for you and your spouse - or it can have you digging out the combat gear while you fight over whether or not you really need a sunken living room or kitchen fireplace. Read more to learn how you can build a house and still stay married.
Realize That Decision Making Can Be Exhausting
You might know that wonderful couple who, when building their home, breezed through planning meetings, never fretted a design choice, laughed off the bad stuff, and never stopped being excited about their project.…
Moving to a new residence is challenging enough without having to adapt to an unexpected event. Below is a list of five surprises that could upset your move and tips on how to prevent them from occurring.
Surprise # 1: The Truck Is Too Small
Unfortunately, this often occurs after the truck has been loaded to capacity. Now you must take (at least) two trips to complete your move. Although time consuming, it need not be a major problem providing you are moving a short distance.…